Audun Eckhoff will NOT Make The Norwegian National Museum Great Again
2017-01-20 Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the US, in spite of what many people thought was possible. In that context the Norwegian artist Morten Viskum offered Nasjonalmuseet (The Norwegian National Museum) to buy his well known self-portrait Make America Great Again for $ 1!!! But Audun Eckhoff, the director of Nasjonalmuseet didn't respond to the offer. If you are offering something, common courtesy is either to refuse or to accept. Of course Eckhoff can hide behind the fact that he didn't know about the offer, but the offer abounded in social media throughout 2017-01-20, and such a unique offer the director of the Nasjonalmuseet should know about. (mer…)
«Make America Great Again» Morten Viskum as Donald Trump
Morten Viskum and his self-portraits have got a new member; this year's edition is the disputed US presidential candidate Donald Trump. Again Viskum hits the nail on the head in this year's selection in terms of self-portraits. Tuesday the 19th of July, Trump was formally chosen as the Republican presidential candidate, something many people never thought possible. This means that this year's self-portrait is even more relevant than when Viskum made his choice, not even he could well anticipate such an outcome. (mer…)
«Make America Great Again» Morten Viskum som Donald Trump
Morten Viskum sine selvportretter har fått enda et medlem; årets utgave er den mye omdiskuterte amerikanske presidentkandidaten Donald Trump. Igjen treffer Viskum spikeren på hodet ved årets valg når det gjelder selvportrett. Tirsdag 19. juli ble Trump formelt valgt som republikanernes presidentkandidat, noe veldig mange ikke trodde var mulig. Dette gjorde at årets selvportrett er enda mer aktuelt enn da Viskum foretok sitt valg, selv ikke han kunne vel forutse et slikt resultat. (mer…)